Kyu's Historical Business
In 2003, Restorative Consulting became the first company in Ukraine to provide a full range of services for HORECA: hotels, restaurants, restaurants and cafés, canteens, dining, fast foods and bars.
Our main specialization is the opening of the key restaurants. We also love rebrending institutions that have difficulties. We call it a restaurant transfusion (or a cafe or any other place).
Another specialization is a complex one. selection of restaurant staff♪ Restored consultation not only recruits staff for restaurants of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and long-term loans, but also trains the team effectively.
Work on a new project is always starting with a preliminary analysis of whether there is room or a place under restaurant or hotel business, and if so, what format will be the most successful. And since we know the market very well, the trends in restaurant business and hospitality, our recommendations are always the target.
At the planning stage, much can be done to select a suitable place for the complex or to determine the advantages of the available. Our company is working on hotels, restaurants, cafes and other institutions, both at the initial planning stage and at a later stage, when construction work is already under way, or the facility is operational.
If your hotel-restored case is not the first year, we can offer you the selection of skilled personnel, training and training, the design and conduct of an advertising campaign, and a lot of other things to help your business.
If your business is experiencing difficulties, we will conduct a financial analysis for you, a full diagnosis of the enterprise, identifying weaknesses and shortcomings and suggesting ways of getting out of the crisis.
The hotel and restaurant business is an area where we can call ourselves experts. All of our staff have experience in this business, and the company itself organized those who previously held leadership positions in a well-known restaurant network.
The restorative business has features that are not available in other spheres. If they are taken into account and properly implemented, this will determine the continued success of the enterprise.