Responsibilities Of Restaurant Management
KDC 331.08
Paper Ekaterina Vadimovna
N.I. State University of Lobachev
1 master ' s degree, Staff Management
This article deals with the identification of the main features of staff management in the service sector, as an example, restaurant business♪ This topic is relevant because a well-designed staff management system depends on the firm ' s output. The article highlights a number of key issues directly related to this issue, analyses staff management methodologies, proposes methods to improve staff motivation at different levels.
Keywords: highly qualified staff, wages, selection, waiters, staff, motivation, incentives, working conditions
Busygina Ekaterina Vadimovna
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
Master of first year student of direction Personnel management
This article focuses on the identification of the main characteristics of human resource management in the service sector, for example, the restaurant business. This subject is relevant, because results of the company depended on well-developed system of human resource management. The article highlights a number of key issues directly related to the issue, analyzed techniques of personnel management, proposed methods to improve staff motivation system at different levels.
Keywords: highly skilled personnel, incentive, motivation system, selection, staff, wages, waiters, working conditions
Bibliographical reference to article:
E.V. Staff management specialities in services/ Modern research and innovation. 2015. No. 11 [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of application:).
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