Development Of Restaurant Business In Roses
Regional trends in restaurant business in the Republic of the Tatarstan
e.m. mansures
The article presents the results of a study on the development of the services sector, in particular restaurant business, in the context of the comparability of general Russian trends and regional practices. Quantitative trends in the state of regional restaurant business were described on selected indicators. The main regional food industry development vectors in the Republic of Tatarstan have been combined, with trends in the improvement of regional restaurants.
Keywords: services, restaurants, development indicators, restaurant holdings, Tatarstan Republic.
Improving the efficiency of the restaurant sector is closely linked to the development of a national model that meets the needs of the domestic service market (primarily the needs of the population), taking into account the complementarity of tourism [5]. The Russian market for restaurant services is characterized by a large territorial differentiation, the ethic of which derives from the Russian market.
Regional development asymmetries in the context of the " centre-periphery " , " south-east " . This is detailed in a number of studies [2, 3, 4].
Some RF regions have shown positive dynamics in the expansion of restaurant business, with capital cities providing growth points. In the authors ' view, the trend towards the development of promising regional restaurant business models will further accelerate this promising direction. Given that federal trends have an active impact on regional services, creating a symbiosis of the centre and periphery, it is advisable to focus on federal-wide development trends Business in Russia to regional practices. The objective of the study is the Republic of Tatarstan, which is an effective food industry, which has received a good boost to development during the XXVII World Summer Universal. This has not only affected the social, economic and financial efficiency of the operation
It has also contributed to the creation of a competitive environment in the territory of the Republic.