Principles Of Restaurant Business
KDC 331.08
M.A. Kuramsin.
University of South Ural (National Research University)
Master of Economics, Management and Investment
The main methods of personnel management were analysed in this article. In today ' s context, there is a need to find innovative methods, working with staff in restaurant business, particularly staff as the main strategic resource. To increase competitiveness in staff work, ways are proposed that take into account contemporary characteristics. In conclusion, there is a need for a new vision of the relevance of staff in restaurant business.
Keywords: innovation, staff, restaurant business, management
Kuramshina M.A.
South Ural state university (national research university)
Master’s degree student of department “Economics, Management and Investment”
This article analyses the main methods of personnel management. In modern conditions there is a need for search of innovative methods of personnel management in restaurant business, given that personnel is the main resource. There are some approaches which can increase competitive advantage. In conclusion we consider a need for new vision of restaurant's personnel's importance.
Keywords: innovations, Management, personnel, restaurant business
Bibliographical reference to article:
M.A. Couramsin Research on Modern Management in restaurants / Modern research and innovation. 2016. No. 4 [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of application:).