В Аджарии улучшают качество ресторанного бизнеса

Quality And Restaurant Business

West Economics, Law and Sociology, 2015, No. 2, Economy

KDC 338.46

Quality assessment of restaurant services

Bardasova E.V.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship of the Kazan National Research Technology University


Candidature of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship of the Kazan National Research Technology University

The article discusses the marketing aspects of the quality of services that affect competitiveness in catering. An analysis of the nature of the restaurant ' s perception by its customers, the degree of satisfaction and their impact on the quality of restaurant services, and the modelling of the service sector.

Keywords: services, modern restaurant model, consumer attitudes, consumer satisfaction, quality, ethnic differences in service perceptions.

Restorative business in Russia During the current decade, investors and entrepreneurs continued to be attracted, in particular, with a relatively stable return, with an effective management system. Marketing policies have an important place in this system, with the aim not only of attracting, but also of keeping targeted clients. Service quality management is a key factor in restaurant competitiveness [1-3].

Scientific and applied interest in the quality of services is steadily increasing. There is an understanding of the feasibility and effectiveness of different research tools, depending on the objectives of the study and the expected results. At the same time, service consumers are increasingly the primary evaluators [4-7].

According to marketing experts, the catering market in Russia has not yet reached the stage of saturation. Its growth to 2008 was fairly high and was on average

at 20 to 25 per cent. This trend is based on the purchasing power of Rossians, their attitude to the food system outside the home.